About VFF

My Investigation Mentioned Elsewhere

Written and said about my investigation in other sources
Old links to pages now non-existent have been removed

Be Reasonable Podcast Interview 2013
January 29 2013 - British Skeptics Hayley and Marsh interview Be Reasonable Skeptical Podcast Interview

Dinner and a Reading with Mark Edward
April 2010 - Read Mark Edward's mean and very insulting sexist blog about me and my comment to it.

April 2010 - I had dinner with skeptic and skeptical activist Mark Edward (website and blog) and other California-based skeptical friends and decided to do a quick reading on Mark.
This was written about by one of the Skeptics in her blog
Videotaped in a series of eight videos
Was discussed in this JREF Forum thread
And written about in this blog as well

Susan, one of the Skeptics who was there, has posted pictures from that weekend including our dinner/reading. She posts a link to her pictures in her JREF Forum signature, so I make the assumption that it is ok for me to post that link here as well. Susan's pictures from April weekend in Hollywood.

SCEPCOP Forum comments
October 23 2011 - Introduce Yourself / VisionFromFeeling
October 25 2011 - JREF / Randi Challenge / In defense of the JREF Paranormal Challenge

IIG Montly Updates
November 2009 - IIG Press Release about our Preliminary demonstration. Press Release.
November 2009 - The Independent Investigations Group November 2009 update wrote about me.
(Other IIG montly updates may mention our test as well.)

IIG Report on our Test
IIG Report on our Test

The IIG on Skeptically Speaking
IIG members Steve Muscarella, Jim Newman and Spencer Marks discuss the IIG organization and my Vision From Feeling test in this February 12 2010 podcast of Skeptically Speaking.

The Rational Alchemy Podcast
March 2010 - I was the guest on the podcast Rational Alchemy hosted by skeptics Jeff Wagg, Brian Walsh and Nigel Aves. We discuss the IIG test for an hour. Be sure to browse among their library of hundreds of episodes, you are sure to find something interesting there.
Scroll down to episode March 27 2010.

Jim Carr tried to be the next Robert Lancaster but failed miserably since I was not the next Sylvia Browne. (Robert Lancaster writes a critical website about claimed psychic Sylvia Browne.) Jim Carr uses personal attack and selective often irrelevant material to try to win his case. His website died coinciding with the time I did an impressive reading on skeptic Michael Shermer and published the combined test results that beat 99.223% of random chance. Jim Carr is an amateur skeptic-wannabe who has lost all respect in the skeptical community and got himself banned from the JREF Skeptical Forum for violently arguing against an alleged nurse who had said that "rape victims develop trouble achieving orgasm". His comments earned him the boot. Well here it is, bring salt and apply copiously.

Also see Rule 12 at the JREF Forums

Other off-topic skeptical comments
September 2010 - I made comments on Paranormalia: Randi's Prize, which discusses the book Randi's Prize. The book concerns the allegation that the skeptical community would be unwilling to let a true paranormal ability pass. With years of experience of interacting with the skeptical community as a (responsible and honest) paranormal claimant, I here defend the skeptics.

I thought I would have nothing to say as I read through Michael Shermer's blog as it deals with religion which is least of my worries, but finally the last paragraph, "To this combustionable cocktail of wrong-headed ideas and evil intent, add three more characteristics to bring Saint Mel into full light: a hot head temper with a hair trigger mouth and a propensity to drink.", led me to have something to say.

July 22 2010 - Comment in Mark Edward's Skepticblog I wasn't there...but.

July 2010 - Ashley F. Miller's blog TAM: For the Ladies? brings up the point of sexual discrimination and harassment against females in skepticism and at the skeptical TAM conventions. I comment here and here.

June 30 2010 - The blog titled Why I'll never return to JREF Forum or The Amaz!ng Meeting, I comment on it here.

May 3 2010 - I felt outrage when I saw skeptic Brian Dunning's documentary Here Be Dragons where Dunning places soybean products in the same category of pseudoscience as for instance homeopathy. As a college chemistry student and occasional vegan I know about amino acids and protein, and soybean happens to have twice the amount of protein per weight than does meat. It is important to be reminded of the danger of giving any otherwise credible skeptic an all-encompassing authority to speak on all matters. Brian, your major was computer science.
My response to it here

May 3 2010 - And here I take a whack at Phil Plait's An Alien Ate Stephen Hawking in this comment, where I criticize Plait for his visions within his field of astronomy being both conventional from-the-book and for having a lack of the imagination that is necessary to propel his field forward.

Please e-mail me any links to references made to my investigation

Other cases
Dr. Matthew Smith, an English psychologist, is a skeptic who is attempting to develop a psychic ability of his own in order to put it to the skeptical test and win Randi's million dollar prize! This is a fascinating project, and earns more of my trust and interest than attempts made by most paranormal claimants.
Dr. Matthew Smith's website
Dr. Matthew Smith's Facebook page
